更好的工作, 更好的世界: Sawyer Desotelle of BW Papersystems

  • 布伦特·斯图尔特
  • 布伦特·斯图尔特
    数字战略 & Barry-Wehmiller的内容主管

尽管我在菲利普斯长大, WI(美国), Sawyer Desotelle – like many other kids from small rural towns – left home and moved to the big city to start his career and family.

But the right opportunity brought Sawyer back home and into a company that gave him challenging, fulfilling work where he feels like he makes a difference. He is now the Corrugating 工程 Controls Team Leader at BW Papersystems.

“Having the opportunity to work here and lead a team and make decisions that would frame how we're going to move forward was something I was really excited to do,索耶说.

Barry-Wehmiller收购Marquip, Inc.总部位于菲利普斯(Phillips)的公司于2000年成立. The acquisition of Marquip was the foundation for the BW Papersystems business of today, which is the combination of 13 well-known global brands that serve the corrugating, 纸板薄膜, 包装, 折叠纸盒, 以及安全文件行业.

从技术上讲, you’d say BW Papersystems makes corrugators and corrugated finishing equipment; folio-size, 基本尺寸, 和数码尺寸的纸张转换, 董事会, 和其他材料装入盒子, 折叠纸盒, 复印机用的连环纸, 和护照.  Or, you could just say they make the machines that produce corrugated boxes that are used to ship everything. 除了, BW Papersystems’ portfolio includes stationery and passport production, 专门的纸张转换应用, RFID处理技术.

As a kid, Sawyer was able to see first-hand the impact of Barry-Wehmiller’s presence on the town.

“They started bringing on a whole bunch of engineers and growing the team,他说. 工程师们进来了, 他们带着年轻的家庭进来, and the young families brought a bunch of kids to the school district. 学区开始扩大. They brought in 老师 and they brought in families. 在这样的环境中长大真是太棒了.”

After leaving Phillips, Sawyer spent 27 years in the Minneapolis/ St. 保罗,明尼苏达州地区. The last ten years there he worked as an embedded hardware design engineer.


“So, everybody in the Twin Cities had this mass exodus every weekend,索耶说. “It would be a three-hour drive up to the cabin and then you'd spend a few hours there. And then you'd drive back begrudgingly to the city to go and get into the grind of your everyday life. 然后冲洗, 泡沫, and repeat for the following weekend for the few precious months of summer sunlight that we get.”

The decision to move back to Phillips to join BW Papersystems and be closer to family was almost a no-brainer. 再也不用开三个小时的车去躲避大自然了.

“I can walk outside and see trees and forests, and I can go hiking through the woods,索耶说. “我可以出去划皮艇. After work, I don't have to get in my car and drive to my cabin, I'm here.”

作为Barry-Wehmiller的一部分, Sawyer can definitely see the difference from other companies because of our culture of Truly Human 领导.

“I think our culture makes a difference because we want to develop you both as an individual (teammate) and as a person, as well as a teammate and a contributor to the organization,他说. “外围十大菠菜app从事的是培养人才的业务, 在培养领导者的过程中, and solving problems that are going to help people. If it doesn't help somebody, it doesn't make somebody's life better, then we're not going to do it. The challenges that we're trying to solve are to make somebody's life better, it always will be. 本组织认识到这一点.”

And working at BW Papersystems gives Sawyer the opportunity to use his gifts and abilities to not only make a difference in the lives of his teammates and the people he leads, 也在他顾客的生活中.

“The group of engineers that I get the chance to work with are incredible,他说. “They're some of the best engineers that I've worked with. 所以, 起床进来, I don't know what challenges we're going to be faced with in a given day. We have a variety of different customers and customer challenges. So, 当你醒来, you don't know who's run into any kind of issues and who has something unique and challenging that needs to be solved. 但我知道我什么时候起床,什么时候进来, that the team that I work with is going to be eager and ready to solve those issues. 这很好. We're all in this together and everybody draws on the experience that they have to try to come up with the best solution possible. 这很好.”

Although Sawyer is from Phillips and partially returned to Phillips to be closer to family, 作为BW纸业系统的一部分, he’s hoping to be part of something that is bigger than just his family.

“有趣的是, the culture actually goes beyond the walls of the building, 实际上是社区,索耶说. “大家都还在这里, which I think speaks volumes to just the company as a whole that all of the legacy knowledge is still here, but it's reaching a point where there's going to be a passing of the torch, 卫兵换岗. So, 我加入并带回了一个年轻的家庭, and then I'm looking to recruit and grow the engineering team, 希望能引进一批年轻的家庭, 老师, 发展社区,再做一次, 让它真正繁荣起来, 充满活力的环境.

“我的两个公婆都在这里工作. 我妻子来自菲利普斯. 我在日托所认识她的, 外围十大菠菜app是日托宝贝, 所以我从四岁起就认识她了. So, 等我嫁入他们家, it's still the generation ahead of me and then I'm the next and I've got my kids. Carrying on that generational legacy would be really cool.”

更好的工作. 正规博十大app排名 is a video series designed to shine a light on team members throughout the global Barry-Wehmiller organization. 你可以通过上面的链接观看视频.


Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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